Joshua's Portfolio

This blog is dedicated to the assignment in my Communication Technology Class. If you wish you can just click on the images to see larger versions.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Artifact #1

Musicology 101 – Reinvention/Rock Star CD

Artifact Information
The name of this artifact is Musicology and this assignment is part of the unit 5 Graphic Design. During this assignment I used programs such as Adobe Photoshop to produce my album covers and Microsoft Word to create my Photoshop table that consisted of the different tools that I used in my image editing process. I also used the Internet to find some images to manipulate for this assignment. The assignment required us to collect images off the Internet or to create our own and use them to generate a new album cover and reconstruct a previous CD cover. The assignment also required us to make a Photoshop table that consisted of all the commands we used in Adobe Photoshop to create our covers.

The reason for choosing this artifact was because I improved my Photoshop skills while doing this assignment. The first thing I did was planning and I thought about what album I wanted to redo. After much thought, I decided to base my reinvention CD on Jimmy Eat World’s Stay On My Side Tonight. I used images of a bed as my outside and inside cover and then I added a commentary about my production with my work. I was also expected to create my own CD, so I based my album on planets and I added a commentary with it as well. An original photograph also had to be incorporated and I included it into my own album. During the production of my two CD’s I also had to record my progress by recording the commands I used in Adobe Photoshop. In this assignment I learned some Photoshop techniques and I also learned that planning is very essential. After the construction of my reinvention album of Jimmy Eat World I was proud of how interesting my CD looked and how it represented the CD’s title much better. I was also proud of how my own CD looked, it was unique and during the construction of it I learned a great deal of new things in Photoshop. Even though my albums looked nice I could have improved on some stuff. I could have changed one of the planets on my own CD to a more realistic planet. I also could have used a more unique and original photograph. One challenge that I faced in this assignment was getting images that had high enough resolutions.

Artifact #2

Twist Your Arm – Toilet Paper Ad

Artifact Information
The name of this artifact is called When Nature Calls. This artifact is part of the Twist Your Arm assignment in the Media Literacy Unit. During the assignment I used the internet to collect some images that would be useful and relative to my theme of toilet paper and then I used Adobe Photoshop for the actual editing of the pictures. The related assignment required us to use the internet to collect images and use them to create an advertisement. I was also required to answer some questions about how the advertisement was made and what editing was done to the original images.

The reason why I chose this artifact is because this is one of my first assignments and it got me into using Adobe Photoshop more often. The first and obvious step to this assignment was planning in which I brainstormed some ideas for a slogan and interesting ways to advertise toilet paper. After I had everything planned out I based my images on my slogan which was When Nature Calls. I collected nature images more specifically landscapes from the internet and then I altered them using Adobe Photoshop. During the production of this artifact I also had to answer some questions about the alterations I did to my images. In addition, I learned that there are many ways to advertise by using different techniques of persuasion because when I looked at everyone else’s assignments I realized that not everyone used the same technique to advertise. After the construction of my artifact I was really proud how funny my advertisement was and how all the editing created harmony in my ad. Although it was really well made I could have improved by adding more alterations to the images I used. One challenge that I faced during the construction of this artifact was getting images off the internet that fitted my descriptions of certain images.

Artifact #3

A Day In The Life Scrap Book

Artifact Information
A Day in the Life of Joshua Lee is the name of my artifact and it is part of the Graphic Design Unit. During the construction of my artifact I used resources such as a digital camera and in addition I was supplied with certain materials that had to be used in my artifact. In the assignment I had to record and collect objects and then place them in a scrap book so that it reflected a regular day in my life. I was also required to take my own original pictures and use every single material supplied by the teacher to create an interesting and unique scrap book.

I chose this artifact because it required me to create a completely original piece of work that did not require me to use images that I myself have not made. The first thing I did was plan out the template of my scrap book and what objects and events I wanted to record. After I planned, I gathered objects such as TTC tickets from my local subway station and I also photographed some of the main activities I did during a regular day such as sleeping and eating. I later took the materials and followed my plan to create the final artifact. A key concept that I learned was that planning is very important especially when you have to use a limited amounts of materials. After completing this artifact I was proud of how original my assignment came out since everything was originally done by me with no pictures off the internet. Although it was very original it wasn’t how I expected it to be since it wasn’t really visually appealing I felt that I could have picked a better scheme of colors and designed a better template. One challenge that I encountered was planning the overall appearance of the scrap book since there are so many possibilities as to what template and colours I could use.

Artifact # 4

All About Me Brochure

Artifact Information
This artifact is called All About Me and it is part of Unit 4 Desktop Publishing. The resources I used in this assignment were the Internet in which I researched about some facts and collected some images for my brochure and Microsoft Publisher wherein I constructed my brochure with information about myself. This assignment required me to make a brochure about myself which included facts about my birth, favourites, future pursuits, family and hobbies. I was also required to make a brochure that had some sort of design element such as font and colour and it had to be economical as in how everything flows together from one page to another.

I chose this artifact because this assignment was all about me and it gave me a little more freedom in what I wanted to add in to my work. Like all the other assignments I was expected to plan out the font, images, colour and template and after I planned I started on my information. As I finished adding in information into my brochure I changed the font and colour scheme. Later I added some images from the internet and I decided to add a bunch of stuff to the back of my brochure. A key thing that I learned from the All About Me assignment was that planning was important but having economy was even more important. At the end I was proud of my brochure because it turned out pretty interesting and unique. Although it was visually appealing and neat the random stuff I added in the back was very overwhelming am I wished I could have changed it by adding something more subtle. A problem I occurred during the construction of my brochure was trying to create balance throughout the artifact by having an equal amount of text and images on each page.

Artifact # 5

Photography Minga - Framing

Artifact Information
The name of this artifact is Framing and it is part of the Photography Minga which is in Unit 5 Photography. During the creation of this artifact I used the internet to research about framing in photography and Microsoft Word to type up a 3 minute presentation. The assignment required me to pair up with someone do some research on an element in photography and then later present the topic to the class in a 3 minute presentation that could be no longer or shorter than 15 seconds of 3 minutes and in it had to include at least 2 examples of the photographic element.

The reason why I chose this artifact was because I enjoyed teaching the class and it was fun to learn about a photographic element. Unlike the other artifacts this assignment did not require me to plan as my first step, instead I started my research right away by checking out some internet sites that were provided on the assignment sheet. After I collected all my information and changed them into easy point form notes I gathered two images that reflected my photographic element of framing. I then later worked with my partner to practice a presentation that would last exactly 3 minutes and include all the essential information that should be covered. A key thing that I learnt during this assignment was to practice, otherwise my presentation would have been less or more than 3 minutes. After the construction of this artifact I was proud at how precise the presentation material came out to be. Although the artifact contained a lot of key details about framing in photography it could have been better with more examples and information. A problem that I encountered during this assingment was trying to keep the presentation in no more or less than 15 seconds of 3 minutes.