Joshua's Portfolio

This blog is dedicated to the assignment in my Communication Technology Class. If you wish you can just click on the images to see larger versions.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Musicology 101 – Reinvention/Rock Star CD

Artifact Information
The name of this artifact is Musicology and this assignment is part of the unit 5 Graphic Design. During this assignment I used programs such as Adobe Photoshop to produce my album covers and Microsoft Word to create my Photoshop table that consisted of the different tools that I used in my image editing process. I also used the Internet to find some images to manipulate for this assignment. The assignment required us to collect images off the Internet or to create our own and use them to generate a new album cover and reconstruct a previous CD cover. The assignment also required us to make a Photoshop table that consisted of all the commands we used in Adobe Photoshop to create our covers.

The reason for choosing this artifact was because I improved my Photoshop skills while doing this assignment. The first thing I did was planning and I thought about what album I wanted to redo. After much thought, I decided to base my reinvention CD on Jimmy Eat World’s Stay On My Side Tonight. I used images of a bed as my outside and inside cover and then I added a commentary about my production with my work. I was also expected to create my own CD, so I based my album on planets and I added a commentary with it as well. An original photograph also had to be incorporated and I included it into my own album. During the production of my two CD’s I also had to record my progress by recording the commands I used in Adobe Photoshop. In this assignment I learned some Photoshop techniques and I also learned that planning is very essential. After the construction of my reinvention album of Jimmy Eat World I was proud of how interesting my CD looked and how it represented the CD’s title much better. I was also proud of how my own CD looked, it was unique and during the construction of it I learned a great deal of new things in Photoshop. Even though my albums looked nice I could have improved on some stuff. I could have changed one of the planets on my own CD to a more realistic planet. I also could have used a more unique and original photograph. One challenge that I faced in this assignment was getting images that had high enough resolutions.


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