Joshua's Portfolio

This blog is dedicated to the assignment in my Communication Technology Class. If you wish you can just click on the images to see larger versions.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

All About Me Brochure

Artifact Information
This artifact is called All About Me and it is part of Unit 4 Desktop Publishing. The resources I used in this assignment were the Internet in which I researched about some facts and collected some images for my brochure and Microsoft Publisher wherein I constructed my brochure with information about myself. This assignment required me to make a brochure about myself which included facts about my birth, favourites, future pursuits, family and hobbies. I was also required to make a brochure that had some sort of design element such as font and colour and it had to be economical as in how everything flows together from one page to another.

I chose this artifact because this assignment was all about me and it gave me a little more freedom in what I wanted to add in to my work. Like all the other assignments I was expected to plan out the font, images, colour and template and after I planned I started on my information. As I finished adding in information into my brochure I changed the font and colour scheme. Later I added some images from the internet and I decided to add a bunch of stuff to the back of my brochure. A key thing that I learned from the All About Me assignment was that planning was important but having economy was even more important. At the end I was proud of my brochure because it turned out pretty interesting and unique. Although it was visually appealing and neat the random stuff I added in the back was very overwhelming am I wished I could have changed it by adding something more subtle. A problem I occurred during the construction of my brochure was trying to create balance throughout the artifact by having an equal amount of text and images on each page.


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