Joshua's Portfolio

This blog is dedicated to the assignment in my Communication Technology Class. If you wish you can just click on the images to see larger versions.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Photography Minga - Framing

Artifact Information
The name of this artifact is Framing and it is part of the Photography Minga which is in Unit 5 Photography. During the creation of this artifact I used the internet to research about framing in photography and Microsoft Word to type up a 3 minute presentation. The assignment required me to pair up with someone do some research on an element in photography and then later present the topic to the class in a 3 minute presentation that could be no longer or shorter than 15 seconds of 3 minutes and in it had to include at least 2 examples of the photographic element.

The reason why I chose this artifact was because I enjoyed teaching the class and it was fun to learn about a photographic element. Unlike the other artifacts this assignment did not require me to plan as my first step, instead I started my research right away by checking out some internet sites that were provided on the assignment sheet. After I collected all my information and changed them into easy point form notes I gathered two images that reflected my photographic element of framing. I then later worked with my partner to practice a presentation that would last exactly 3 minutes and include all the essential information that should be covered. A key thing that I learnt during this assignment was to practice, otherwise my presentation would have been less or more than 3 minutes. After the construction of this artifact I was proud at how precise the presentation material came out to be. Although the artifact contained a lot of key details about framing in photography it could have been better with more examples and information. A problem that I encountered during this assingment was trying to keep the presentation in no more or less than 15 seconds of 3 minutes.


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