Joshua's Portfolio

This blog is dedicated to the assignment in my Communication Technology Class. If you wish you can just click on the images to see larger versions.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A Day In The Life Scrap Book

Artifact Information
A Day in the Life of Joshua Lee is the name of my artifact and it is part of the Graphic Design Unit. During the construction of my artifact I used resources such as a digital camera and in addition I was supplied with certain materials that had to be used in my artifact. In the assignment I had to record and collect objects and then place them in a scrap book so that it reflected a regular day in my life. I was also required to take my own original pictures and use every single material supplied by the teacher to create an interesting and unique scrap book.

I chose this artifact because it required me to create a completely original piece of work that did not require me to use images that I myself have not made. The first thing I did was plan out the template of my scrap book and what objects and events I wanted to record. After I planned, I gathered objects such as TTC tickets from my local subway station and I also photographed some of the main activities I did during a regular day such as sleeping and eating. I later took the materials and followed my plan to create the final artifact. A key concept that I learned was that planning is very important especially when you have to use a limited amounts of materials. After completing this artifact I was proud of how original my assignment came out since everything was originally done by me with no pictures off the internet. Although it was very original it wasn’t how I expected it to be since it wasn’t really visually appealing I felt that I could have picked a better scheme of colors and designed a better template. One challenge that I encountered was planning the overall appearance of the scrap book since there are so many possibilities as to what template and colours I could use.


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